
Here is a quick listing of abbreviated terms and such that I have used in the reviews. This is just here to avoid confusion and folks asking what such-and-such means. Just a "quick and dirty" abbreviation expansion; I may add in definitions and descriptions later.

  • 4WD - Four Wheel Drive
  • Camber - The angle of the tires relative to 90° perpendicular to the ground when viewed from the front (or rear) of the car. Positive camber results in the wheels looking tilted out at the top while negative appears tilted in at the top
  • DFGT - Driving Force GT
  • DS3 - Dualshock 3
  • FF - Front engine, front drive
  • FR - Front engine, rear drive
  • GVS - Grand Valley Speedway
  • HP - Horsepower
  • MR - Mid engine, rear drive
  • Oversteer - The tendency for a car to turn more sharply than intended, often resulting in the rear wheels sliding due to loss of traction
  • RR - Rear engine, rear drive
  • SSR5 - Special Stage Route 5
  • TGTT - Top Gear Test Track
  • Toe - The angle of the tires relative to the center line of the car as viewed from above (or below) the car. Toe in results in the tires appearing pointed in at the front while toe out appears pointed out at the front.
  • Understeer - The tendency for a car to turn less sharply than intended, often veering toward the outside of a turn due to loss of traction at the front wheels